Sound healing, vibrational healing, sound therapy

Sound Healing or sound massage is an effective and proven modality that uses vibrational sound to help reduce stress, alter consciousness and create a deep sense of peace, well being and improved health by restoring harmony to the body/mind/spirit. It can restore the natural frequency of organs and tissues in the body which become disrupted from stress and disease. Sound has also been shown to be a vital part of the healing process for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy and side effects of pain relief management. Sound healing also expands consciousness and connects us with our inner self.
During our waking state, the normal frequency of our brain waves is that of Beta. Sound tools entrain the brain to move into the deeper Alpha and Theta brain wave frequencies. These are the frequencies that induce deep meditative and peaceful states, clarity of mind and intuition. Sound frequency impacts the neuronal networks as your brain waves synchronize to the sound vibrations. The harmonic vibrations engage the relaxation reflex and slow down the respiratory, brain and heart rate and disrupt the pain reflex creating a deep sense of well-being. Modern medicine can now measure and confirm the practice of sound as a means to promote healing. The application of sound therapy has also been linked to the regeneration and duplication of DNA. Thus, sound is a type of energy medicine that creates the sacred space in which people can heal the body, mind and spirit at a cellular level. The effects can last for several days.
Benefits of sound healing
- Deep sense of tranquility
- Balance right/left brain
- Helps learning difficulties such as ADHD, ADD, Dyslexia,
Dyspraxia, Down Syndrome
- Cleanse Aura
- Balance and align Chakras
- Relief from physical pain, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome
- Relief from stress disorders, anxiety, depression, emotional pain
- Improved memory, clarity and vitality
- Heal emotional blockages
- Release energetic blockages
- Cleanses and detoxifies at cellular level
- The ability to take action
- Improve sleep
- Ability to alter one's consciousness
- Easing the effects of chemotherapy
- Rejuvinates the physical body
- Raises the vibration of the physical and energy bodies
- Enhances the body's natural ability to heal itself through the balancing of energy. The energy centers in our body are called chakras. See my page on Chakras.
I have sound instruments that I use during my healing sessions if requested. This is my most recent collection minus a few new pieces. I am adding pieces regularly.
I facilitate a group Sound Baths using many different types of sound tools from ancient Shamanic drums to the newer technologies of Crystal singing bowls and everything in between. See my page on upcoming events for full details or go to:
I also provide private sound healing sessions in my facility in Timonium, MD
My current collection of sound tools

Examples of Sound Healing Tools
Tibetan Bowls, Chimes, Tingshas, Djembe, Tuning Fork, Rattle and Tambourine, Crystal Singing Bowls, Native American Drum, Wind Chime, sound healing, healing instruments, vibrational healing