Sacred Activations

Sacred Activations shift limiting beliefs, trapped emotions, fear and trauma and expands your consciousness to higher levels. It is an amazing healing tool that aligns your body, mind and spirit by clearing out belief systems that no longer resonate with your highest potential. ​
Introductory to Sacred Activations and The Lord Metatron Activation. This activation is the first foundation activation and is offered for free.
10:03 minutes long
It is best to receive the first 3 foundational activations in order to activate your sacred geometry to prepare you to better receive all other activations. There
are over 800 activations that apply to every area of life.
9:48 minutes long
Sacred Activations is a subconscious metaprogramming healing modality powered by Source Creator Energy that reprograms your negative belief systems, emotional patterns, mental constructs, and past conditioning (collectively called your subconscious programs) into something positive and empowering. As a subconscious metaprogramming technique, it intelligently deletes, corrects, removes, rewrites and upgrades your limiting subconscious beliefs and programs and will continue to work on you for days, weeks, even months, shifting your belief systems, raising your consciousness and vibration, and aligning your mind, body, and spirit to the universal flow.
The Sacred Activations were given to Tamra Oviatt by the Creator of All That Is - Source - God - Universal Energy of Creation. Whatever you choose to call this energy, the important fact is that this is the highest energy in the Universe which is an energy of pure and unconditional love. This energy is beyond ego, drama, agenda and fear. It is an energy of complete acceptance and trust. When we work through the Creator energy, we also bypass all of these limitations and work through that energy of unconditional love. ALL activations originate with the Creator in that highest energy.
Some of the Sacred Activations are also Deactivations that release you from between hundreds and thousands of belief systems and limiting programs at one time. This results in phenomenal shifts in peoples’ lives. At the same time, they activate 12 to 18 strands of DNA and activate your sacred geometry.
Many of the activations unplug you from the collective or group consciousness. Often, we can be controlled by the limiting belief programs of the group consciousness without us being aware of it. Coming out of this often fear-based energy frees us and raises our vibration and consciousness. Not only this, but when one person leaves the group consciousness, many others come out as well. By doing this work you are also helping to raise the vibration of the planet and shift the consciousness of the human race from fear to love.
The Sacred Energies are from the highest energy of Unconditional Love. This means that the understandings and feelings which come through the activations are the highest possible.
These Activations and Deactivations help you to:
Activate Sacred Geometry within your body to hold 5D frequencies and above;​
Rewire your brain to respond in a more empowering and positive way;
Upgrade your subconscious programs (core beliefs, past conditioning, and mental, emotional, & behavioral patterns);
Rewrite your DNA, Timelines, and Blueprints;
Clear trauma imprints and trapped emotions from your energy bodies;
Disconnect you from fear, lack and disease collective consciousness;
Naturally stop living on autopilot and become more intentional in in your everyday life;
Start living a more empowered, more aligned, high-vibrational creative life;
Evolve into a version of you who is more secure and confident in your ability to manifest and create the life you want
This is NOT Guided Meditation. This is NOT affirmations/mantras. This is NOT NLP or Hypnosis. This is NOT how-to instructions, or anything like that!
THIS IS A CHANNELED SOURCE ENERGY that’s actually doing the inner work for you. As soon as you receive an activation, the energy starts changing your subconscious programming and continues to work on you behind the scenes for days, weeks or months until you completely shift. It will fully integrate depending on where you are at energetically. As you raise in frequency and consciousness, they will be there ready to integrate. You will never receive more than you are ready for. This is intelligent source energy that works with your consciousness to download and integrate at the rate that is most compatible for you.
There are over 800 activations that apply to every area of life including health, love, prosperity, relationships, family, consciousness, psychic abilities, self-awareness, aging and more.
We are biological computers. We have been conditioned, programmed and trained for thousands of years with negative beliefs. Sacred Activations re-programs these negative beliefs to empower us to embrace our full potential.
These Activations/Deactivations work at the levels of:
Collective Consiousness
Genetics (ancestry & DNA)
Core beliefs
All timelines (past, present, future)
​Things you can experience with Sacred Activation​
Relief from fears and phobias​
Improved mood; feeling calmer and happier
Improved vitality and overall health
Surrender the need of always having to be in control
Recognizing shifts in your attitude toward others
Removal of addictive and harmful habits and behaviors
Others start to respond to you in more positive and receptive manner
Releasing the fear of being seen and opening yourself to opportunities
New found faith and ability to trust
Opening psychic channels to increase psychic abilities and the Claire senses
Relief of chronic pain and ailments
Shifts in perspective and approach to life
Clear limiting beliefs and energetic blocks to attract prosperity
Improve relationships by promoting self love and confidence
Shifts from 3D belief systems to 5D belief systems
This modality is done primarily distantly by phone or Video. There is no physical contact. I channel this energy directly from Source/Creator to you.
Check out upcoming Sacred Activations Webinars here!
Now available: Foundations & Sacred Geometry PACKAGE
4 sessions at 1 hour each for $510
(15% discount - $90 total savings)
Learn more about the activations included by clicking on the PDF!
I provide healing sessions at my facility in Timonium, MD and remotely by phone and Video chat.
For more details see my Contact/Address page and my Distance healing page.