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"The greatest wealth is health" - Virgil

Reiki and Cancer

(Article from the internet)

Although the mainstream medical profession is usually slow to include alternative health practices without extensive statistical evidence, Reiki is an exception. Relying mostly on an enormous groundswell of positive healing anecdotes, a surprising number of doctors have recommended it to their patients. Moreover, Reiki is offered as a complement to traditional treatments in many leading hospitals such as Memorial Sloan Kettering, DHMC, Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center, Bassett Healthcare’s Louis Busch Hager Cancer Center, and the Yale Center. In Memorial Sloan Kettering, for example, it’s considered so valuable that it’s offered regularly for in-service courses for all hospital staff so that they can integrate it into their patient care.


The response from practitioners and patients alike have been extremely promising. Both groups report that this gentle healing art promotes natural healing, stimulates endorphins, lessens or eliminates pain, lowers blood pressure, reduces heart rate, regulates hormone levels, promotes deep relaxation, and increases energy. Even the prestigious American Cancer Society recognizes that Reiki speeds healing, contributes toward spiritual and physical well-being, and reduces the intensity and frequency of nausea and vomiting due to chemotherapy. Many practitioners attest that Reiki shortens hospital stays, decreases patients’ need for drugs, lessens the side effects of treatment, and improves the quality of life.

As part of an on-going study of Reiki at Sloan Kettering, 1,200 patients found Reiki highly beneficial. They described a 50% reduction of pain from their most uncomfortable symptoms after a single treatment and claimed it stayed at that level for at least two days afterword.. The Reiki therapists were quick to point out that this study just confirmed their impressions, formed from observations of many previous treatments.


As if this weren’t enough reason to use it, the therapists remind us that Reiki can do no harm and can improve the condition of any illness. It requires nothing of the patient because the energy flows to where it needs to go and heals on all levels – mental, physical, emotional or spiritual. Thus, Reiki has healed patients with pain, fatigue, stress, nausea and depression.


With fatigue and anxiety, two very common side effects of chemotherapy and radiation experienced by cancer patients, Reiki produces excellent results. Practitioners at Sloan declare that Reiki allows patients to rest deeply and feel comfortable. Equally important, Reiki energizes, improves sleep, aids relaxation, and makes it possible for patients to do things thought impossible before.


While other pain-reduction methods, such as massage, may be effective for some patients, it is often inappropriate for cancer patients undergoing radiation because their skin may be too sensitive. Reiki, on the other hand, can easily be performed on anyone, in any condition, with healthful effects.


In short, Reiki had been shown to be a highly effective, user-friendly healing technique, recognized and used by leading hospitals and doctors as an adjunct to cancer care.. Through widespread testimonies by both patients and practitioners, Reiki is rapidly developing the stellar reputation it deserves.


Reiki and Mesothelioma
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