Distance Healing

One of the basic teachings of energy healing is that we are more than our physical bodies. We also have an energy body made up of our aura (energy fields), the chakras (energy centers) and the meridians (energy pathways.) Like our physical body that takes in food to nourish it and give it energy, our energy body does the same. The energy fields take energy in, the chakras break it down, and the meridians distribute it throughout the body.
Our body is comprised of energy vibrating at different speeds. Our physical body, our thoughts, emotions, and our spiritual centers, all vibrate at a particular frequency or speed. These varying vibrations or pulsations create a field around them which are often referred to as our aura or energy field. The aura is an information center and a highly perceptual system that transmits and receives messages from the external and internal environment.
Many energy healing modalities can be applied to anyone or anything regardless of distance. This can occur if the person is on the other side of the room or the other side of the world. Time is not a barrier. It can also be sent to future events to clear the energy around a situation. Examples of this would be presentations to help calm you if you are the nervous type in front of groups of people, court dates, meetings, surgical procedures, etc.
Most of my modalities can be performed distantly. I provide phone and virtual sessions. My distance sessions are just as powerful and often more so since I am not distracted moving around a table/room when working on someone. This gives me the opportunity to receive visions and insight more clearly.
See my page on "What Energy Healing can do" for a detailed listing of benefits.
Contact me either by email or phone for scheduling an appointment. While receiving, I would recommend being in a quiet place in order to obtain the greatest benefit.
Distance Healing sessions can be booked for yourself, your partner, your family, loved ones, colleagues or friends. Adults and children can benefit. It is with the intention that only the Highest Good of the recipient is achieved and they are aware of and give permission for the healing.
Distance and phone Sessions
(Prices range depending on type of work requested)
15 Minutes $40-$60
30 Minutes $70-$100
45 Minutes $90-$130
60 Minutes $120 - $175